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5 Postmodern Novels with the Theme of Identity: Part 1

Writer: Neda AriaNeda Aria

Welcome to my blog series on postmodern literature! As an avid reader and lover of postmodern literature, I've decided to create a blog series that explores the theme of identity in some of my favorite postmodern novels. So, over the next few weeks, I'll be delving into some of my favorite postmodern novels and exploring their themes. In this series, I'll be focusing on the theme of identity and how it is portrayed in postmodern literature. Throughout this series, I'll be sharing my personal thoughts and insights on each of the novels we'll be discussing. In this first post, I've chosen five postmodern novels that I believe do an excellent job of exploring identity in unique and thought-provoking ways. To read more subscribe to Free Plan. No credit card info needed!

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